How to Prepare Your Child for Homeschooling

See also: Learning Styles

Is homeschooling a good option for your child? Yes, if the disruptive changes brought about by events such as pandemics are anything to go by when this home-based education system, also known as elective education, proved essential. Many parents worldwide are now embracing the homeschooling trend even as the pandemic wanes.

According to experts, the number of homeschooled children was previously quite steady. Those parents who did home school did so primarily due to the need to remove a child from a hostile school environment, improve the quality of their education, and support children with disabilities. In addition, some parents favor this education system due their distance from a school and uncertainties due to recurring contagious diseases.

However, homeschooling can be challenging for both you and your child. Therefore, you must handle their introduction to homeschooling well to make sure that they benefit from it as much as possible. Here we provide a guide as to how to prepare your child for this system of schooling.

Pro Tip

Success of your child in homeschooling will depend on your input into the program.

Create a Homeschooling Space Together

First, you must identify a quiet place where you will locate the homeschooling space and involve your child in its creation. Doing so will prepare your child psychologically for learning at home. Remember that pulling your child out of school and away from their friends can impact their learning. Involving them in creating and decorating their homeschooling space will reduce the effects of them missing their friends.

Train Your Child in the Use of Technology

This system of schooling requires computers for virtual learning. Unfortunately, technology can be problematic if you don't teach your child some IT skills beforehand. It is best if you can teach them how to use the device and its accessories rather than how to access the learning platform on the device. It is also best to also talk to them about the importance of using the device solely for education to reduce the chances of malware attacks and related risks.

Pro Tip

Technology comes with risks like potential eye problems. You should adjust the settings to avoid straining your child’s eyes. Read our page on Screen Time for Children for some tips.

Define a Daily Schedule

Homeschooling can be challenging due to the lack of a strict schedule. And with distractions from all quarters, you need to define a clear daily schedule and stick to it as you introduce homeschooling. Fortunately, children thrive in a clear set of basic structures and routines. Letting your child understand there is time for playing, entertainment, and learning will be best. You should also ensure that your child adheres to a set bedtime to enable them to wake up in time and attend the day's lessons. This schedule should sync with yours so that you can help them with some of the study work.

Set Homeschooling Goals with your Child

Unknown to many parents, setting education goals without involving your child is a futile endeavor. You should talk to your child and understand their struggles and dreams. This information will help you outline key learning objectives. Note that the goals should align with your relevant authorities' requirements. Most importantly, these goals should align with your child's age and ability. Involving your child is the only way to ensure they don't rebel and jeopardize your homeschooling effort.

Choose a Curriculum

The curriculum is an essential element in your home program, and you need to choose a curriculum that fits your child and their activity level. With that in mind, choosing a good curriculum like Euka Future Learning would be best. Such curricula are most suitable for this system of school because they aren't restrictive. In addition, your child can learn at their own pace, without worries. However, it will be best to introduce your child to the curriculum before you start schooling to familiarize them with it.

Ease into the Homeschooling Program

Once you are ready, you can ease into the program. This refers to taking light lessons as you prepare to dive deeper into the curriculum. For instance, you could start with a few favorite subjects and then add others as you progress. Doing this will enable your child to adapt to their schooling system without feeling frustrated or burned out. You can introduce a professional at this juncture if you feel overwhelmed. However, ensure that the tutor is compatible with your child to enable efficient learning.

Make Learning Enjoyable

The essence of homeschooling is to help your child learn comfortably. Therefore, it will be best to vary the routine, content, schedules, and learning forms. In addition, you should encourage older students to follow their program as long as you approve it. Having breaks between classes for your child to stretch is also essential. Besides, it would help if you incorporated cooking, crafts, or playing board games to make learning fun. To impart real-life skills, you could visit local businesses or develop other activities outside the home.

Involve Other Family Members

Homeschool may feel like a conventional school if it's only your child's learning. It would be best if other family members joined in activities like reading to break the monotony. You can also visit a museum as a family and learn together. Doing so will enable your child to grasp more and discover ways of dealing with problems to interact with adults.

Join homeschooling groups

Depending on your child's age, you must join homeschooling groups where your child can interact with their peers. If the student is a teenager, it would be best to encourage them to join groups on their own that will help them with their schooling. Such groups will allow your child to interact and collaborate with other students, which helps in ensuring that your child learns more outside your homeschool setup.

Start Your Homeschooling

Homeschooling is a good idea if you want to monitor your child's development closely. It's also efficient when you don't want your child to suffer from stress and burnout synonymous with conventional schooling. However, it comes with challenges like distractions and deciding what to teach and how to teach it. In addition, your child will likely rebel if you don't introduce this learning system correctly. Therefore, it will help if you use a professionally designed curriculum.

We hope you can use this information to prepare your child for successful homeschooling.

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